The Academy of Sage Heroes

Sayings of the Academy

Facimus Ut Fiamus. We Do, So That We Become. Prudentia Praeteriti, Momentum Nobis Commissum Aedificamus. With Yesteryear's Wisdom, We Build The Moment Entrusted To Us. Quod Facimus Dementia, Si Christus Non Est Imperator. What We Do Is Madness If Christ Is Not Emperor. Beauty Will Save The World. Carpe Diem. Carpe Momentum. Carpe Dolorem. Festine Lente. Make Haste, Slowly. Do you love goodness, truth, and beauty? Defend them. Do you crave a more chivalrous and honorable world? Live with chivalry and honor. Do you desire to see the wholesome practices and values of antiquity restored to everyday life? Build them. Do you hunger for meaning and direction in life? The answer cannot be handed to you. The skill of perceiving the duties you belong to is a tacit one, developed through experience. We don't give you your answer, we merely offer you that experience. Nothing worth doing is able to be done alone. Lasting transformation can only happen within community. Things done slowly gather weight of meaning. We cannot turn back progress; we can only build the moment entrusted to us. Become the kind of person who can do the things you need to do. Be an advocate, not a reactionary. Be an undertaker of quests. Pursue your Questing Beast whether you catch it or not. Stand to it with blade ready, or sit, but do both in humility. No parties or corporations, just people in communities doing their duty. Hierarchy is not a ladder to be climbed, but a garden to grow in. Pursuing cultural development for character development. A sword duel is won not with skill or experience, but with character. Any man of worth who steps onto the field with full presence, honor, and courage can win. If the medium is the message, the activist is the cause, and the man is the manifesto. Make the myth real in your world. Accept the universal calling to be a martyr in your daily life. Be exemplary, not just excellent. Everything we do, we do together. The quality of our community is our true worth. Old world values for modern world problems. Manners Maketh Man. Challenges are either sought out or encountered, but either way we choose to go through them and grow individually and as a community along the way. Heroic Sages do not simply improve themselves in an ivory tower, they enter the fray on behalf of others. We are here to change the world with honor. We are the academy for when just adding information isn't enough. Wisdom requires action, not just knowledge. We provide transformative education through participation rather than consumption. We are indeed a conspiracy. We are conspiring to bring more goodness, truth, and beauty into the world. We do not focus on solitary pass/fail goalposts, but on the persistent journey of transformation. We believe that authentic encounters with beauty are what create true transformation for good. We cultivate a society of honor to restore excellence of conduct in local communities. We are a modern knighthood defending antiquarian virtue. We are a reinvention of the finishing school, inculcating manners and etiquette for the modern world. We are a society for the refinement of morals and manners - by instilling first within ourselves the antidote of honor. We are a yeoman's academy, designed for working class nobility. We are a fraternity of idealists, making dreams real. We are like a phoenix which continuously rebirths from failure and becomes more beautiful with each death. We are like an orphanage for the babies thrown out with the bathwater by Progress, ushering them into renewed strength and relevance for today's troubles. We are like a staircase in a jungle, providing structure, direction, and elevation for progress alongside others. We are a shadow school that exists alongside but outside of the current institutional paradigms for community. We are a noncompetitive catalyst, enhancing endeavors which already exist and are striving for goals aligned with ours. We are a moral finishing school, going beyond the basics of human decency and cultivating elite maturity and character. We are a nation-generating engine, bootstrapping local revolutions for positive change. We are a sanctuary for ideas and dreams buffeted by a world hostile to virtue.
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