The Academy of Sage Heroes

triad of worthy beasts Enchiridion

Ladies and Gentlemen

Welcome to the
Academy of Sage

We are here to change the world with honor

Our mission: Re-enchantment

We are hero-makers.

We exist to create and connect Champions of Honor, Goodness, Truth, and Beauty.

While we do banquets, balls, dances, soirées, and sword duels, we do not party for entertainment – we create spaces for cultivating personal mastery. We pursue cultural development to engender character development. We grow people who happen to the world, instead of the world happening to them.

Mystery is part of the experience. Transformational experiences operate below the wordy layer of meaning, making them indescribable by their nature. So don’t wait to be comfortable with our events to register. They are outside of your comfort zone by design.

Our lifestyle is built on virtues that are hard, like all good and important things. If you crave more of these in your life and community, come encounter the Academy:





cup, blade, and gown Dining Dancing Dueling

Do you want to learn more?

Come this way, the adventure awaits...

Follow the stars to discover more ✧✧✧ © Copyright 2024, The Academy of Sage Heroes